Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where has our leadership gone?

My newest question is pointed squarely at Henry Waxman. While Henry was grilling Mr. Fuld in the starchamber, he asked some very pointed questions, and in the spirit of the lying weasel that he is, Fuld hemmed and hawed about his appointing a "compensation committee" to help him loot $480 million from the company. When pressed on the issue, Fuld stated that the figure "was more like $250 million that I took out of the company". Ah, that makes it OK, I guess.

WHERE WAS WAXMAN'S LEADERSHIP? He had the perfect opening right there to demand that Fuld return his ill-gotten gains to the people he screwed over! All these pinheads that CEO these failed institutions are getting multi-million-dollar golden parachutes when their toy banks fall over, yet nobody has even suggested that their gains be put towards the bailout, when it was their decisions that put us in this mess? Wax-man also had the power under the rules of the house and senate to have Mr. Fuld taken into custody right then and there, but he failed in his moral obligation to do so. That power comes from way back, when we used to have something like a template to be used in case of emergency- the US Constitution! But that is just a worthless piece of paper nowadays. We're expected to abide by it, yet they are not. Why have the rules changed under George "Dumbya" Bush? In Clinton's term, Duke Cunningham, a decorated Vietnam ace, got 9 years in prison for selling off an old Rolls-Royce and a moth-eaten yacht, getting about a million more than their true worth. So we have a decorated war hero rotting in prison for making a 1 million dollar profit and these weasels from Wall Street get away with billions and stick us with the bill? How dare they! How dare Congress and Senate abrogate their responsibility to us, the people!

And McCain did nothing. Where was HIS leadership? He could have stood up and demanded that Fuld's property be forfeit, or at least embarrassed Fuld into giving back at least a portion of it to help us out with the bailout. While he didn't have enough to pay for the whole thing, I'm relatively certain his $480 million, when combined with his $14 million house in Florida and his $8 million summer cottage in Sun Valley, Idaho, and the houseful of million-dollar artwork could have gone a long way in helping to ease OUR burden! These Wall Street tycoons are getting away with the single biggest theft in world history, and are doing so with the tacit consent of the very people we "elected"! These bastards don't deserve to go to jail, they deserve a good crucifixion! Then throw their rotting corpses UNDER the jail!

McCain has lost this election, and he knows that he is the GOP "Fall Guy" this time around. If the GOP were serious about winning the election, they would have chosen someone like Romney. Yet another reason that the elections are a scam. Diebold has leaked the results to the media already, they programmed Obama to win by a landslide. I think the numbers I saw were 58% for Obama...

Until we, the people, organize and revolt, there will be no change. All of our well-placed and well-deserved rage against the ruling elite will be registered, but not counted. It will be just that much more "pissing into the wind", and you know what that means- it all comes back on us. So it's time for the American people to rise up, grab OurPitchforksAndTorches, and take our country back!

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

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