Friday, October 17, 2008

What is the MATTER with you people???

So I watched the "debate" between President Obama and Senator McCain, or at least as much as I could stomach before retching and nearly losing my dinner and finally went to sleep. The next morning, I was listening to the radio and started to realize what a great man Obama really is. He transcends issues completely. I heard a "pollster" asking people on the street asking loaded questions about President Obama...

"Sir, who are you voting for?"

"Why, President Obama, of course."

"Can I ask you a few questions?"


"Why are you voting for Obama?"

"Well, I agree with his stance on everything"

"Why are you not voting for McCain?"

"Because I believe in President Obama, he'll give us hope and change, and change, and hope."

"I see. Do you agree with Obama's plan to stay in Iraq up to another 50 years to finish the job and win the war on terror?"

"Oh, yes, absolutely! We need to make sure we've eliminated the threat from the WMD's."

"Do you agree with his position on abortion?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, do you agree with his pro-life stance?"

"Absolutely! Life begins at conception"

"What about his tax-cut plan? Is it better than Senator McCain's plan of taxing the 'rich', people making $250K a year or more and redistributing the wealth to people who don't make $250K?"

"Well, duh! I think cutting taxes should be for everyone! We all need a break in these trying times, it'd get the economy moving again, if we didn't have to worry so much about taxes. I know taxes have cut deep into my budget. If they go up again, I won't be able to afford to take the bus any more!"

"What about President Obama's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate, think she'll do a good job?"

"Yeah, I'm glad President Obama elected her as VP. I mean, it's about time we had a tough woman in the White House, but at least he picked a woman!"

"What about McCain's choice of Joe Biden as VP?"

"I don't pay much attention to him, he's old and he's white. President Obama is the hope and change this country needs at a time like this!"

What the hell? These people are allowed to VOTE?

What is truly scary, and I mean frightening to the soul, is that all the interviewees I heard COULDN'T EVEN TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ISSUES AND AGREED WITH McCAIN'S POSITION ON EVERYTHING! And beyond that, they didn't even know WHO THEIR CANDIDATES ARE!!!!!! WAKE UP, PEOPLE! PALIN IS McCAIN's VP pick, NOT OBAMA's!

It just goes to show you how the people are being seduced by the silver-tongued, mellifluous dulcet tones of Obama's voice. He starts speaking, and people fall into a trance. I don't, but everyone else around me seems to.

The one question that nobody has the balls to ask is

"Are you voting for Obama because he's black?"

Which is labeled incorrectly as a racist question.

"Well, if you don't vote for him, you MUST be racist!" they say.

I will not vote for President Obama. I am not falling for this group hypnotism. There's fires in LA right now, and every time a bush catches fire, the celebrities run towards it, thinking President Obama is going to speak! Ive' never seen anything like this! It has happened before, though, several times, and with disastrous results. This kind of blind following of a charismatic "leader" happened at the end of the Weimar Republic, when a smooth character who had a gift for public speaking entered their political system, turning it upside down. He'd speak, and people would become transfixed, believing in his hope and change. Economic conditions there were about the same as what we face now, and their government was also as corrupt as ours. He took power, and the only thing that ended it was the rest of the world. His name? Adolf Hitler.

On a beautiful Caribbean island, a tropical paradise, a young, charismatic leader gave speech after speech, and the people belived, blindly. He was known for his "hope and change" and "power to the people" speeches. He took the reins of his tropical paradise, and it is paradise no longer. He was a fiery speaker, and everyone blindly loved him. His name? Fidel Castro.

This time, it's the Unites States. Will we wake up from this nightmare in time to save this nation? I fear that it is too late. President Obama has captivated the American sheeple with his grand plans of "trickle-up poverty", his plans to cap earnings at $250K. Oh, but he says "It's not that I want to punish you for all your hard work and achievement; isn't it more fair that, if you make more than the prescribed cap on earnings, in this case, $250K, that I should take it so 'we' can 'spread the wealth' to those who aren't able to make what you do? That's more fair!" No, that is naked communism.

That totally removes the incentive to work hard and achieve goals. Now that I know that my income CAN NEVER EXCEED $250K, I'll be sure to work hard to make as much money as I can for my long as it stays below $250k. If I have a small business, and we get up to $249,900, I know that I will have to lay everyone off, and shut the business down. Never mind that I have spent 20 years of my life, my blood, sweat, and tears making it to this point, the government will take it away. Better to shut it all down and avoid losing it all. At least I could tell my kids "Sorry kids, but President Obama took daddy's business away." And if it comes to it, I will tell them why. I'll make them read the Communist Manifesto. I'll make them read the history of the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany. I'll teach them some history. And I will leave this country if need be, and flee to the free markets and societies of Russia, or China. Or India. That's where all the jobs will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs."
The seductive words of another charismatic leader, Karl Marx.