Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to the Machine! (Sounding the Alarm)

I need to make everyone aware of something that is happening right now in our history...


We're almost history. Not because of the engineered catastrophe that is the Wall Street Bailout. Not because of the engineered voter fraud that is incorrectly labeled as "free and open elections", no this is something even graver in consequence, and it affects each and every one of us, posing a clear and present danger to our future and our society.

What I'm about to say is going to shock you, but it's all very true, and it is happening now.

We are becoming a fascist dictatorship.

"How the HELL can we be turning into a fascist dictatorship, Amir?"

Good question. It's because the conditions exist at this moment that are exactly the same as Germany in the 1930s, the end of the Weimar Republic, and the playbook in use is the SAME ONE that led to Hitler's rise to power! It is a plan that is insidious and evil, and it has been happening for quite a while. It is "Incrementalism" personified. What's the best way to boil a frog? Put him in a pot of cold water, and incrementally turn up the heat! If you try to pop him in a boiling pot, he'll hop out, burned, perhaps, but surviving.

Those of us who are completely absorbed in our day-to-day survival and turn on "American Idol", or "Dancing with the Former Hollywood Stars" or whatever dreck you use to distract you from the ugly truth that is out there in plain sight BETTER WAKE UP RIGHT NOW! It's almost too late. The pot is almost boiling!

The shift from a democracy to a fascist dictatorship is gradual and calculated. Every step on the path to fascism is mapped out in detail, every "crisis" is carefully planned. The blueprints are available, but are currently being held (and used) by our leaders.

"So, Amir, if you're so smart as to know about the 'blueprints' or 'the plans', how can I get a copy so I can see for myself?"

Glad you asked.

There are basically 8 steps in the shift from freedom and liberty to fascism. Let's go over them.

The very first step is to declare an "enemy". It can be external, or internal. We have both. The external threat is the 'War On Terror'. It gives the people the illusion that they are in danger, and in our case, the enemy is radical muslims buying 'yellowcake'. It is a made up reason, but hey, anything will do. On the internal side, we have "sleeper cells" of islamic fundamentalists hell-bent on attacking us.

Step 2- Secret Prisons. Secret prisons and torture are another hallmark of fascism and dictatorship. They are always outside the rule of law. Gitmo is the largest, and best-known. They systematically torture the prisoners there, which is why the denizens of that prison aren't on anyone's prison pen-pal list. Once systemic torture is going on there, and it is, the eminent dictatorship has the ability to start turning that torture on it's own populace. The tasing of the college kid was an example. "Don't tase me, bro!" They demonize and marginalize the victims at first- these are brown-skinned, muslim extremists that hate us. But as time goes on, they announce that people who don't stand with us, don't agree with us, are now "enemy combatants". We see this with animal-rights activists, political activists, you name it, they can classify you as an "enemy combatant".

Step 3- Establishment of a Paramilitary Force. Hmm. The Germans had the Sturm Abteilung, or SA- the "brownshirts". We have the TSA, or "Twits Standing Around". They are paramilitary in that they wear uniforms, and they have the power to detain and arrest people. They also work the Department of Homeland Defense. Hmm. "Homeland". Sounds an awful lot like "Fatherland" to me, what do you think? We also have another paramilitary outfit known as the Blackwater Group. They specialize in "armed security details", and are active in Iraq, where they were accused of killing a group of 17 Iraqis. But they'll never go on trial. In fact, they quashed that little news tidbit pretty effectively, and instead, put eight US Marines on trial for doing their job. Nice.

Step 4- Establish or create a surveillance apparatus. How many people have you heard about that are on the TSA's "No-Fly List"? Quite a few. The rumor is that everyone has a "file", and nobody is allowed to know what's in it. This creates fear and uncertainty. The excuse given is that it's part of the 'War On Terror', it is for our own 'safety'. Gotta 'protect' the American people! This, too is a smoke screen, and one that is used against us. Soon, people will be turning in their neighbors, kids will be ratting out their parents' political views.

Step 5- Arbitrary Detention and Release. People being made to miss their flights due to being on "The List". Happens with regularity now. In Germany, they had a tall, imposing Nazi at the train station who asked for your travel papers. Here, it's the goons from the TSA sizing you up. If you're on "The List", you are searched and detained, perhaps questioned. If you refuse, you get tasered and jailed. Sound familiar? If the muslims are the threat, how come they won't search the Arabic-looking people? They always seem to pick out the grandmas, the single mom with a small child in a stroller, the college student on break and going home to get this quarter's laundry done. Never the swarthy, Arab-looking guy who has a prayer rug, a copy of the Koran, and giving furtive glances to other Arab-looking men in the waiting area. I wonder why THAT is?
I also never see well-dressed businessmen getting searched and questioned. I guess they might be lawyers.

Step 6- Restrictions on the Press. You might find this one hard to swallow, given the government-media complex, but it's true. Why do you think there is such a media slant? Because they don't want the truth coming out. Anyone who dares report the truth is demonized as a traitor, accused of treason. Look at the "embedded reporters" that were seized in Iraq for trying to report on US atrocities. Also, the government expands almost exponentially the definition of treason and traitorous acts in times like this. Remember Dumbya's "You're either with us, or you're against us" line?

Step 7- In light of the above, all criticism is recast as treason. Anyone going against the program gets labeled a nutjob, a wacko, a traitor. Even pointing out the flagrant abuses and distortions of the Constitution is looked upon as a traitorous act. Remember that Dumbya, early on, delared that the Constitution "is just a worthless piece of paper". Uh-huh. Sounds like a clear case of "do what I say, and nobody gets hurt" to me.

Step 8- Subvert the Rule of Law. This one has been done to death. In times of imminent election, much is done to severely destabilize the economy, the political climate, and people's lives. The recent spike in gasoline prices. The engineered collapse of the world's eceonomy. The polarization of America's single-party system (masquerading as a two-party system). The rampant voter fraud. The corruption in government, not to mention Wall Street. People with no money, living in fear, are MUCH more pliable, remember that. The establishment of a closed society, the Haves vs. the Have-Nothings, is already well into the ninth inning here. This global meltdown of the economy is no accident. It was well-timed, brilliantly executed, and very thorough at destroying the middle class. And it's not even CLOSE to being over, in my opinion. Despots and dictators LOVE having elections. It "validates" them. They employ scare tactics, including having uniformed, sometimes armed, personnel at polling locations. Look at Hitler's elections. He had the Brownshirts outside every voting booth, menacing the people as they went in. The last step is declaration of martial law, which was threatened to the Congress just last week. I hear that the world's markets and banks may be closed down next week or so, for a 5-day "bank holiday", while the leaders of the G7 plan our new currency under the auspices of "fixing the mess". Perfect time for Dumbya to declare martial law, which he gave himself the power to do by Executive Order. Never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act? Here is some info...

HR5122 also known as the John Warner Defense Authorization Act was signed by the president on Oct 17, 2006 John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Section 1076 Text of Hr5122 is titled "Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies". Removing the legalese from the text, and combining multiple sentences, it provides that: The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any state of the United States the president determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws. The actual text is on page 322-323 of the legislation. As of 2008, these changes were repealed, changing the text of the law back to the original 1878 wording, under Public Law 110-181 (H.R. 4986, Section 1068,) however in signing H.R. 4986 into law President Bush attached a signing statement which indicated that the Executive Branch did not feel bound by the changes enacted by the repeal.

Which essentially gives him the power to deploy US troops, on US soil, to put down uprisings or "civil unrest". declaring a national emergency due to financial terrorism, George? Gonna try to "slap us down"?

It's almost too late, people. I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBENTS, REGARDLESS OF PARTY MEMBERSHIP. We need to be very vigilant about the abuses that are happening right now, every day, and the accumulation of power in Weaselton, DC, that has been the hallmark of Dumbya's presidency. For the Presidential part of this, it appears we have no choice, but in fact we DO. Write in a third-party candidate! DO NOT go into the voting booth unarmed...gain some knowledge of who your Congress-schmoo is, who your Senator is. OUR VERY LIVES DEPEND ON THIS ELECTION.

And no, I'm not being venal or sarcastic, here, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN US HISTORY!

And if things go bad before the election, RISE UP AND PROTECT YOUR NATION FROM THE INVADERS WITHIN!

I truly hope it doesn't go down that road, but if it does, BE PREPARED.

Have guns and ammo, and DO NOT surrender it to the handsome man in the spiffy uniform who says he is from the government, and he's here to help. He will tell you that giving up your gun is for your own protection, and for the safety of the nation as a whole. HE LIES.

Have a source of food, as the supermarkets will be closed, and even IF you find one open, they will devalue the dollar so much that it will take your entire 401k to buy a loaf of bread!

Have a source of power, like a generator, and the FUEL TO RUN IT. They may try to disrupt the power grid to keep people "in the dark", not only figuratively, but literally. Great way to demoralize a populace.

Have something of value, we may have to resort to the barter system for a while.

We are in GRAVE DANGER as a nation. These are trying times, isn't it TIME FOR YOU TO TRY?

Good luck to you all in these coming days, and God Bless Us All.

As Always, I Am...

Amir Fazadh


Anonymous said...

This is a great message!!! We need to hire a B-17 or B-24 to drop Monroe-bombs like we did in WWII.... only use your blog as the psychological warfare needed to help the American public get a clue!

We can put a picture of Jamie Lynn Spears on the cover announcing she will be a replacement on Dancing with the Stars!!! They are sure to open and read it!!

Let's add leaflet-drops to support our ground troops carrying our pitchforks and torches!!!

islamham said...

I completely agree with this statement. Well said, eerily true.

I have voted against all incumbents since 2000 and will continue to do so until I find one that actually earns my vote.