Thursday, October 23, 2008

What if?

What if Obama really ISN'T an American citizen? What if his purported Hawaiian Birth Certificate is a fake? What if he magically comes up with a new fake BC while on vacation these next couple days? Who does the background check on our Presidential candidates, anyway?

I submit that Barack Hussein Obama is actually a Kenyan by birth, and in checking through that old worthless piece of paper called the Constitution, which has information in it pertaining to qualifications to be President, it appears that he is NOT QUALIFIED to run. He is a foreigner, was never naturalized, only an obviously fraudulent scanned image claiming to be his birth certificate has been submitted. It is done in a font that DID NOT EXIST when it was supposedly issued, as computers of the day were unable to print in that font.

If this is true, and I believe it to be so, then if Mr. Obama is elected, and assuming he is inaugurated and sworn in, then America has ceased to exist as a nation. The Rule of Law will have been relegated to the circular file, and any and all laws pertaining to our nation will be invalidated. The country will be lost, and it's history and traditions thrown on the trash heap of history, as Mr. Obama makes us into the Union of the Socialist States of America.

Mr. Obama has too many strikes against him for my tastes. Let's review, shall we?

Strike 1- Uncertain legal status of birth, failure to produce a State-certified Certificate of Live Birth (for more on this, see Strike 2, below).

Strike 2- Ignored lawsuits to ascertain whether he really was born in Hawaii by not producing a certified copy of live birth from the Hawaii Department of Public Records. Such a dismissal is considered by many to be an admission of guilt, and he may be going to Hawaii not to visit his ailing grandmother, but to forge a new document. Such a document should be viewed with suspicion, and all alacrity should be exercised in determining it's real origins. Forensic analysis needs to be done to ascertain whether it truly is an original, or a computer-generated fake like his present one. Ruling is still pending on this one, so stay tuned!

Strike 3- His political creation and indoctrination in the living room of Bill Ayres, a known and admitted domestic terrorist with Communist ideology.

Strike 4- By Barack's own admission, he is of a Communist/Socialist bent. When asked about his tax plan by "Joe the Plumber", he told Joe that "he didn't want to punish him for being successful, but wanted to give 'everyone behind him' the chance to be successful by spreading the wealth." His "wealth redistribution" is the prime directive of the Communist platform, and poses a direct threat to the principles this country was founded on.

Strike 5- His long association with his anti-white, anti-American pastor, Rev. Wright. How can someone spend 20 years listening to this "Reverend" and not hear his invective directed squarely at the United States? Actually, directed squarely at the Caucasian-American sector of the United States?

Strike 6- Blatant and overt disregard for campaign laws, specifically, accepting campaign donations from foreign entities. $63 million of that from Islamic nations. What are you telling us there, B.O.? Allegations of his being am Islamist "sleeper" have log been circulating on the internet, but a quick check of the Koran reveals that it is perfectly OK to lie to infidels, it's called
"taquiya", and is telling US what WE want to hear, which then becomes OUR truth. Kind of a twisted form of lying that is specifically allowed under Sharia law. How convenient!

Strike 7- His education in Islamic schools in Indonesia, where he was registered as a Muslim.

Strike 8- The media at large being made puppets of the Obama campaign. Ever notice that there are no stories of McCain, except in passing? Granted, McCain is not a serious Republican, having voted with Obama more times than against him, but this man REALLY our only other choice? This is a fix, McCain was specifically chosen to be the GOP "fall guy". He does not espouse any conservative values, leaving most of America's conservatives without a voice, or even a candidate. His only saving grace is that he's a war hero. He's not exactly stiff competition, unless you were to put him on "Dancing With Former Hollywood Stars", where he would most definitely be "stiff competition". Sorry, John, couldn't resist!

So there is a definite case to be made against Barack Hussein Obama, these are but a few points. I guess we'll see on Coronation Day, Nov 4, as America crowns it's new "Lord and Savior, Barack Hussein Obama"...

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