Friday, October 24, 2008

Berg v Obama- the "October Surprise"...

Phillip J Berg, Esq, a Philadelphia attorney, filed suit in Federal court on August 21, 2008 against Barack Hussein Obama. The lawsuit asked simply for Mr. Obama (or is it Soetero?) to produce documentation supporting his claims to be the rightful Democratic Candidate for President of the United States. The lawsuit gave 30 days for Mr. Obama (Soetero) to produce his birth certificate. The Obama camp has failed to produce it, and failed to even acknowledge the suit, which is considered an admission of guilt. Most people aren't even aware of this lawsuit. The requirements to be POTUS are simple, three in number, and clearly spelled out in the Constitution of the United States of America. They are:

Candidates must be 35 years of age or older.

Candidates must have lived in the United States for 14 years.

Candidates must be natural-born citizens of the United States.

The natural-born part is where Mr. Obama/Soetero fails the test. The following video explains the legal grounds for this suit. When it was brought against him, the only thing Mr. Obama/Soetero had to do to dismiss this was to produce his birth certificate. His campaign put a document up on the campaign website, but it is suspected to be a forgery for a number of reasons. Mr. Obama/Soetero was actually born in Mombasa, Kenya, and Mr. Berg has an audio recording of Mr. Obama/Soetero's paternal grandmother proclaiming how proud she was that her grandson was going to be President of the United States, and how she was there in the delivery room on that fateful day in August of 1961 when little Barack was born.

After his parents divorced a short time later, Barack Hussein Obama/Soetero's mother, Stanley, married an Indonesian man, also Muslim, who promptly left the US for Indonesia. The family followed. Little Barry Soetero, in his own words, "promptly started school". The country of Indonesia was at war at the time, and the only children in schools at the time were citizens of Indonesia, and only Muslim children at that. Which means that the only way for Little Barry to have attended school at the madrasa in Indonesia would have been if Mr. Soetero had either adopted Little Barry, or if he had "officially recognized" Little Barry. Both carry the same weight, in that the adopted or "officially recognized" child is now a citizen of Indonesia.

The birth certificate presented on Mr. Obama/Soetero's campaign site is a forgery, and so is the one at, where Mr. Obama/Soetero served on the board (owned by the Annenberg Group, a Chicago group). Conflict of interest, perhaps?

The founding Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge as announced in 1995 were:

  • Patricia Albjerg Graham
  • Barack Obama, civil rights attorney at Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland; lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School; member of the board of directors of the Joyce Foundation and the Woods Fund of Chicago; winner, Crain’s Chicago Business 40 Under 40 award, 1993; former president of the Harvard Law Review (1990–1991); former executive director of the Developing Communities Project (June 1985–May 1988)[25][37][38][39]
  • Stanley O. Ikenberry, president of the University of Illinois (1979–1995); member of the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago (1983–1995); former professor of education (1965–1971) and senior vice president (1971–1979) of Pennsylvania State University
  • Arnold R. Weber, president of the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago (1995–1999); member of the board of directors of the Arie and Ida Crown Memorial and the Tribune Company; former president of Northwestern University (1985–1994) and the University of Colorado (1980–1985); professor of labor economics and friend and colleague of George P. Schultz at MIT, the University of Chicago, and in the Nixon administration[40]
  • Ray Romero, vice president and general counsel of Ameritech; Chicago School Finance Authority board member (appointed in 1992 by Governor Jim Edgar); candidate in the 1996 Democratic primary for the 5th Congressional District of Illinois; winner, Crain’s Chicago Business 40 Under 40 award, 1991; former Illinois Commerce Commission commissioner (appointed in 1985 by Governor Jim Thompson); former civil rights attorney as Midwest regional director of MALDEF where he was lead counsel for Hispanic plaintiffs in the 1985 Chicago ward remap[39][41]
  • Wanda White, executive director of the Community Workshop on Economic Development; former policy director of the Women’s Self-Employment Project; former deputy commissioner of economic development under Chicago Mayors Washington, Sawyer and Daley
  • Susan Crown, president of the Arie and Ida Crown Memorial; vice president of Henry Crown & Company; daughter of Lester Crown[42]
  • Handy Lindsey, Jr., executive director (1988–1997) then president (1997–2003) of the Field Foundation of Illinois; former associate director of the Chicago Community Trust (1986–1988)
  • So, he had a vested interest in concealing his identity. It states clearly above that Mr. Obama/Soetero is a lawyer, where did he get his education? He will not release any records relating to his colleges. He will not release any data on himself at all. He is a Constitutional Law professor, he knows good well he is a fraud, and I suspect that the reason Mr. Obama/Soetero will not release any of his scool records is because he was not a citizen, and used foreign student aid to finance his degrees.

    Here is a link for you for the video of Phillip Berg explaining his stance on his lawsuit. Keeping in mind, Mr. Berg is a lifelong Democrat, with a long career including a stint as Deputy Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and also as a DNC member...

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