Friday, October 3, 2008

Congress and Senate inFATuated with PORK...

Friends, I think I've reached my "tipping point". We have lost this once-great nation, and now face tyranny, despotic regimes, and financial terrorism. The bill that was passed today was basically the same bill that was presented earlier and rejected, but this time, they "sweetened the pot". Not with sugar, Equal, Pink Stuff, or Splenda, but with pork. Last I checked, pork wasn't real high on my list of things I put in my iced tea or on my cereal. And you can forget about baking cookies with it!

Instead, our elected "leaders" submitted to the siren song of panic, the gentle lullaby of the unzipping of Wall Street's fly, and bent over for them once again! They stuffed the already bad bill with pork, "earmarks", and totally ignored their constituents' wishes- hell, it was more like rage, let's be clear here- and gave the money junkies on Wall Street their fix. Screw Main Street!


I have devised a plan that I hope turns into an Internet frenzy, just like the fans of "Jericho" accomplished, extending a canceled show....

I plan on mailing pork products to my Senators who let us down and told us to stick it. They LEFT before the ink was dry on the check they gave to Paulson and his band of thieves, after upping the tab to you and I to almost a TRILLION DOLLARS. I don't care WHO you are, that's REAL MONEY! OUR money, to be more precise. Our voice was NOT heard by the government, they care not about you or me. They only care about their banker friends. And why not? Those who voted FOR this stinking, slimy piece of garbage that hands all the power of our monetary system to ONE MAN were rewarded with 40% MORE "contributions" from the financial sector than those who voted AGAINST the bill. In the Senate, the ratio changed a little bit, with the Yeas getting 140% MORE than those who listened to the people!

So, when I mail my little packages of pork (sausage, pig ears, casings, snouts, organ meat, head cheese, and any other nasty piece of offal I can find), I will include a note, but no dry ice. It will read something along the lines of "In appreciation of your love for PORK!" on a nice little gift card. I encourage you to tell everyone you know to do the same. Maybe they'll get some semblance of a clue when they eventually return and smell the fruits of their labors!

Rum producers in the Caribbean get more than people wiped out here on the Gulf Coast, and they bailed out on voting on issues such as extending tax cuts for average Americans, extending unemployment benefits for those losing their livelihoods because of the mess the Fat Cats made. Greed and bribery are the best thing since sliced bread! THAT is the grease that keeps the wheels of Government grinding!

What was Wall Street's reaction to this version of the bill being enacted? IT DROPPED. It ROSE when they voted it down the first time, but it DROPPED upon it's passage!

Do yourselves a favor and BOMBARD WEASELTON WITH PORK, AND PORK PRODUCTS! Let them understand our rage! And DON'T VOTE FOR A SINGLE INCUMBENT THIS YEAR!!! Instead of going into the voting booth and pulling the Red lever or the Blue lever, EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO THROW THESE BASTARDS OUT OF THEIR CUSHY JOBS IGNORING US! Sure, you might have to actually look up who your Government Rulers are, but that's half the fun! Send them a little "Care Package" to let them know what you think of them, then VOTE THEM THE HELL OUT! Let's all pick up OurPitchforksAndTorches and MAKE them hear us!

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

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