Monday, February 9, 2009


OK, so most people understand now that Our Lord And Savior, King Of Kings, God Of Gods Barack Obama is exposing Himself as the fraud that He is. He is in WAY over His head, and the American people know it. There are several problems emerging from this administration that really worry me.

First off, let's start with the basic tenets that got Obama named God Of All Heaven and Earth. His platform and promises- we all know that every politician is beyond reproach, and honest to a fault, Obama wouldn't lie to the people who elected him, would he? His mantra of "Hope and Change, and Change, and Hope" was nothing but a bald-faced lie. He is not looking to change a damn thing about the political system in Weaselton, DC. He thrives on it, in fact. His training was in the Chicago political system, which are known for their honesty and transparency. He started as a "community organizer", working with ACORN, that paragon of fairness and virtue, that noble entity seeking to implant truth and *economic* justice to the American political scene. He claimed to be looking to "shake up Weaselton", banning lobbyists and criminals from His cabinet. To date, it has been nothing but a fiasco, as He appoints tax cheats and lobbyists to His Cabinet, and His latest failure was naming Tom Daschle as His Health and Human Services Director. Hmm. Obviously, the term "vetting process" is foreign to the Democratic party, as they could have stopped all of this a year or more ago, had they just properly vetted Our Lord God Obama. Questions still linger about His origins, His place of birth, and even His status as a citizen of the USA. But the complicit, sycophantic media, along with the "Legislate From The Bench" judges, have collectively squashed the truth. If He is indeed a Kenyan, as some are saying (including His own family members, who were there at the hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, when He was delivered), this means He is an interloper. He is trying to set this country on a final course towards financial ruin, despite His rhetoric. "You need to pass My economic StealFromUs bill right now! If you don't, the sky will fall! We need to make sure that My backers get "paid back" for their support...don't think, just act on your urges! Pass My StealFromUs bill before it's too late! Never mind all the pork, we need the "shovel-ready" jobs it'll create! Just pass it, and quit asking questions!" Only problem is, there is little to no jobs being created, just massive, soul-crushing debt that our great-grandkids will have to pay for. And "shovel-ready"? As in, throw the dirt onto the mutilated corpse of our once-great nation now lying in her grave?

Instead of spending like a drunken W, why not stop, take a deep breath, then look at the problems with our economy and rationally decide how to create or reclaim jobs? The most important stimulus that we could have right now is consumer confidence. With the global market cratering, bringing on a worldwide DEPRESSION, not to be confused with recession, that ain't happening. Jobs are going away permanently, and with many of them, our manufacturing capacity. What happens when we can't beat our swords into plowshares? We'll be forced to beat our plowshares into swords, I guess. I have an idea, by Obama! Instead of spending $980,000,000,000.00 on pork-barrel crap that has nothing to do with job creation or economic stimulus, start cutting back on salaries like the rest of us! Drop CONgressional salaries to minimum wage, allow up to $176 a month in food stamps, and let the weasels get a taste of the REALITY that they force upon their constituencies. No more limos replete with drivers in suits, no more cocktail luncheons, bring a pimento-loaf and cheese sammich to work like the rest of us! And get used to taking the bus, Obamadammit!

The arrogance of these people, and their disdain for the "commoners" is truly stunning. Cutting back, like what the corporate weasels are doing, should be matter-of-course for our revered Gods. I have another idea- let's have biennial reviews of their performance, to be conducted by a panel of seven constituents, drawn at random 5 minutes before the review, with a checklist of performance metrics. It'd be just like a real job then- lackluster performance? Sorry, Senator, love the suit, but you gotta go! Spend outside the budget? Forfeit your job, for starters. Hey, where'd you get the private jet? Forfeit that, too. We are not going to pay for that, either. $100,000 Mercedes? How pretentious...we'll take the keys for that. Hold these weasels accountable for every transgression, no matter how trivial, and be willing to fire them on the spot for misconduct. After all, they shouldn't be above the law, should they?

And the media- their obvious and disgusting ass-kissing and general love-fest with the Lord God Obama needs to come to a grinding halt. The editorializing, the gushing over the latest attempt to turn us into a Communist, or at the very least, Socialist nation, the Obama News Network (formerly known as the Cable News Network), this all has to stop. If you want Socialism, go live in Europe. Doesn't work there, either. They are falling apart, and are just as broke.

The sucking up to the Muslim-Arab world won't get us far, either. I don't want to be a Muslim, the Muslims want me to. I refuse to dress my wife up in a bee-keeper's suit just to go out to the store. And I prefer to pick out my own wife, thankyouverymuch. For Our Lord God Obama sayeth unto al-Arabiyah, "Yea, verily I say unto thee, we are your friends; come, then, enter unto our lands upon thine own free will, and do unto us as you wish, for we are weak, thou art strong, and we desireth thine oil..."

Yeah, a big hearty razzberry to Obama. He's not cutting it, he's trying to prep us for conversion to Islam and communism, and let me tell you, that dog don't hunt!

Bring common sense back to the US! Let's grab OurPitchForksAndTorches and make the weasels listen!

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

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