Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, so much has happened in the last few months, I haven't had time to write. I also thought I'd try to give Our Lord and Savior, Barack Insane Obama, a chance. On second thought, that doesn't seem like such a good idea...

It's been pointed out to me by several readers that I appear to be a racist. Let me be perfectly clear on this- I AM NOT, AND WILL NOT EVER BE, A RACIST. I don't care if Obama is black, white, yellow, red, brown, or freaking PLAID! Skin color has never been a criteria of mine in determining whether someone is a good person or not. Or a bad person. Or a demotivated person, or any other adjective. Let me point out something- I have never played the race card in this presidential contest, but Obama and his team sure have played it up. They continue, with Eric Holder's remarks, to fan the flames of racial disparity- but I do not. Who is the real racist here? Not me! The media does it with regularity, but I challenge you, dear readers, to point out where I have been racist. Can't do it, because it doesn't exist. I am not racist, end of story, end of rant. Thank you very much, and help yourself to some mints on the way out...

The whole reason I was pointing out his likely place of birth was because I, and many other Americans, believe he is hiding something.

Why has he not shown his birth certificate? His school records? His funding sources for law school? His claims of "transparency" ring hollow and have an air of deception to them. His cabinet appointments have been disastrous- many of them are tax cheats. If you or I owed $100,000+ to the Infernal Revenue Bureau, how much leeway do you think they'd give us? Try NONE. There is a growing disparity between the Average Joe and the Ultra-Hyper-Elite Politicos, and they are really trying to make that chasm unbridgeable. This is, in my opinion, a deliberate attempt to consolidate and insulate their power. They are raking in massive, pork-fat-encrusted scads of OUR MONEY, and it will NEVER go back into our economy. They are rapists and murderers, and liars to a fault. They do not, and will never, have the nation's interests at heart. This goes for both halves of the political party, Demican and Republicrat. The only argument that interests them is the semantics. This den of thieves is the most dangerous in our nation's history. It's time for them to stop.

Change? The only change I see in this administration is that they are openly admitting tax cheats, lobbyists, and other fraudsters into the club. It's not about the money any more, it's not about the people wanting change. It's about absolute, unrestrained power. The kind that corrupts absolutely. It's about them buying power to push someone's agenda and social engineering on a now-defenseless public. Let's end this charade. It's not becoming. The only change I see is what I can dig out of my couch cushions, or from between the car seats.

The Economic StealFromUs Package is proof. How much is a trillion dollars? The way they bandy that figure about up on Crapitall Hill, you'd think that was lunch money for a schoolkid. Put it this way- if you spent a million dollars a day since Jesus Christ was born, you still wouldn't have spent a trillion. For more perspective, if you were to stack $1 bills on top of each other, the stack would reach 1/4 the distance from Weaselton, DC to the frakking MOON! Here is a little slideshow that someone put together illustrating the gravity of the debt we've been put in- It's amazing. And it all illustrates how greedy these bastards in Weaselton, DC really are. This is not only our future that has been mortgaged, but also the future of our children, their children, and quite possibly three or four MORE generations to come. Since the world ends in 2012 anyway, we're stuck. So expect massive taxation, as those lucky enough to still have a job will be forced to pay for everyone else's welfare check. I expect a minimum of 50%, with a cap somewhere near 90%, unless you're a member of Congress or the Senate...

I'm writing to my CongressWeasel to demand a personal "bailout" of $2.31 billion. Given that it's such a small amount, I think they should have no problem approving it. It won't even show up as a single pixel on the budgetary radar...

With all the corruption and rampant greed being forced upon us, is it any wonder these bastards are trying to pass the Economic StealFromUs Bill? We are, after all, a Socialist country, an Obamanation...

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