Friday, February 20, 2009

The Start of the New American Revolution?

When I saw this video, I couldn't believe my eyes and ears- someone actually speaking out against Our Lord And Savior! Perhaps this shall be the spark that ignites the inferno of the the New American Revolution? I know that I have been hearing rumblings more and more frequently lately- and this is just one month into Our Lord And Savior's "Era of Dominion". Seems that more and more, people are starting to rise up against Him, even people that I know voted for Him are starting to admit that He deceived them. All of the warm fuzzies from the Coronation have about worn off, now, and people are starting to see that it's possible that the Emperor has no clothes!

Wall Street clearly does not support Him, as witnessed by the sharp drop on Coronation Day, and the further declines since. We are now at the lowest point since October 2002 on the Dow. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm calling bottom at 6400. There is, however, the possibility that I am wrong, and that the DJIA will continue its slide all the way down to the 4000's, but I certainly hope not! The fundamentals on this house of cards point to 6400 being a good, HONEST valuation of the entire market, but we'll see.

Here's the video- Notice how the traders in Chicago, which is where Lord God Obama is ostensibly from, cheer for the common-sense ideas of letting the market do its job, and rejecting the Most High One's plan of having each of us pay for our neighbour's mortgage failures. I do have a question though- can I claim the mortgage defaulters that I help bail out on my taxes? I think 9 exemptions should be about right for me...

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh


islamham said...

I am against a blatant tax payer bailout of defaulting mortgages. The sub-prime fancy ARM mortgage game played by the financial institutions was responsible for placing people in mortgages they could not afford when the rates adjusted. They made a ton of profit "engineering" this fiasco and now we have people with money invested in their homes with no hope of recovering a dime of it.

Not all home owners are covered by this bail-out, I know I am not with my conventional VA loan. I couldn't just not make my mortgage payment and get a bail-out.

What needs to happen if at all possible is when qualified (they can actually make the payment) these abortions of financial misdeeds, need restructured into a common sense mortgage (fixed rate). Anything else is a travesty to the tax payer.

Anonymous said...

The entire house of cards started falling when people who could not afford to buy homes, or to buy such expensive homes, were given mortgages by the banks. Of course the banks were coerced by the thugs of the federal government.

Bailing out peopple who cannot afford their mortgage payments is as stupid as bailing out the US corporations with our tax dollars. Let the homeowners pay or default, and let teh companies declare bankruptcy and move on. That is how the free market repairs the damage. Prolonging the misery with bailouts only extends the suffering, and spreads it out to more responsible people.

BTW, responsible people already bail out the defaulters in the form of higher mortgage interest rates. The banks have to make some profit, and that is fair and just. That is the free market at work. Let the poorly managed banks fail.