Wednesday, February 11, 2009

From a comment board I frequent...

This post says it all. This guy "gets it"...

We were looking at Indymac depositors standing in lines in a 30's flashback. Money moves over the internet these days. This kind of capital "flight" sank the "Asian tigers" in the late 90's.

So why hasn't the money gone away? Because there's nowhere to go, except under your mattress or into hard assets. But who wants to buy land or real estate in a falling market? Only the rich with deep enough pockets to have patience. A middle class nest egg has nowhere to go.

They've got us in their system. "They" are the private owners of the monetary system, the shareholders in the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, the owners of most of the equity here and in the world, a wealthy elite that is composed of faces you know well and faces you've never seen. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, T Boone Pickens, you know. Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson, The Bush Family, you know. There are approximately 6 million wealthy families and individuals here and around the world you don't know. This is the new global aristocracy, sometimes called the "superclass", in the new global market.

It is their system and it is falling apart. They are working very hard to create a better coordinated and regulated international banking system. Paul Volcker and Paul Krugman, for example, belong to a group called the G 20 and they are working on it.

In the meantime, the people of the US are feeling the panic begin to build. You are not alone citizen, by any means. A question is beginning to form in the mind of the people: why are we so dependent on these rich fucks? Why are we bailing them out? Why is it our states are going bankrupt and we have no money and these rich bastards are paying themselves multi-billion dollar bonuses?

Why do we have a private monetary system that serves the rich and bankrupts the rest of us?

Why, citizen? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Did you even know that the system of money & credit we use is a private system owned and operated by the wealthy elite?

Most people in this country do not know it. They think the "Federal Reserve" means "government". Most people distrust government. They are told over and over ( by the "conservative" faction, which is a mouthpiece for the wealthy elite ) that government is wasteful and inefficient and private business can do it all better.

You probably have no idea that the Congress has little say over how the Federal Reserve spends public money. You think that the "bailout bill" or the "stimulus bill" that Congress votes on shows that the Congress has control over the spending of money. What you don't know is that the $700 billion or the $819 billion is just a small fraction of the money being spent without Congressional approval by the Federal Reserve to support the banks insurance companies and big corporations. About 8.5 trillion has been allocated in various ways that you know nothing about. Credit is being quietly lavished on the banks while there is a big uproar over a pittance of $825 billion or so for the people.

I don't know where Mike Whitney is these days when we need him to explain all this shit to us in his entertaining and scholarly way. Vacation's over, Mike! Get back on the job!

In any case, we've got two ways to go: continue with the private banking system and try to fix it again, which Obama is determined to do, or have a revolution and set up a new banking system, on the model of "The Cook Plan" or the "American Monetary Act" from Stephan Zarlenga and the American Monetary Institute. A public banking system is what we need.

But I am sorry to say that I do not think there are enough Americans who understand what it's all about to be able to challenge the private monetary authorities, the rich and relatively well-organized superclass. At this moment it is becoming better organized while the people are growing hysterical.

The global aristocrats don't want the people to become hysterical. There are far too many of them. If the masses of people run amok, the world is fucked. So the rich will do everything they can to keep the game from collapsing and Paul Kanjorski will help them. He doesn't know how to be anything but a lackey to the rich.

And you have been in that position all your life, as well, citizen. I'm sorry if I sound cruel or uncaring. I am neither. But if you cannot in your own mind describe the kind of alternative monetary system that would better serve the people and not the just rich, then there isn't anything else for you to do but to continue to play the game the rich provide you with and hope it works out...

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