Friday, June 20, 2008

Who's really running things in Weaselton, DC?

Let's put this another way- who is running the election? The "war" in Iraq? The war on the middle class?

Look at recent articles from more than the usual "sources", and you'll find the answer is...

The media.

That's right, the liberal-biased media, to be exact. The same people who were analyzing the Soviet government-controlled media have now found new and interesting ways to control the American people's minds and wallets. To quote Ray McGovern-

"The experience of those of us whose job it was to analyze the controlled media of the Soviet Union and China for insights into Russian and Chinese intentions have been able to put that experience to good use in monitoring our own controlled media as they parrot the party line."

We are in heap big trouble. When you stomp in a pile of doggy doodie, the smell doesn't stop when you quit spreads.

Now, for those of you with a modicum of alacrity over the past couple weeks, you may have noticed a very small story about a certain Representative (Dennis Kucinich) outlining his 35 articles of impeachment. It didn't get much coverage before news of Jamie Lynn Spears' baby gained traction in the news. But it happened- Dumbya finally got Articles of Impeachment leveled at him. It didn't get far, because all the politicians are on the take, along with the media. I don't know if you've noticed, but this trend has been steadily gaining momentum during the past 7 years. Something serious happens on the world stage, and it gets reported once. Then, some Hollywood harlot gets drunk and flashes the papaROTSi, or something equivalent, and once again, the media goes nuts obfuscating the truth. I'm tired of it. This is almost like Soviet Russia, and I'm not being droll, this is for real. The media DOES report serious news, but you have to have lightning-quick reflexes to catch it before they they run the six-part miniseries on teen pregnancy and the newest Hollywood weight-loss diet. This is bullshit. There's lots of bullshit in the media these days, from the networks canceling the best shows, only to replace it with more "reality TV", to the aforementioned deliberate misinformation and propaganda campaigns. Did you notice the HUGE coverage of Tim Russert's death? Yes, he was a decent journalist, and probably a really nice guy to boot, but DAMN! A FULL WEEK's COVERAGE? Nothing but Tim Russert on the news every night? And all the sycophants angling for the camera's attention to tell their story of how Tim Russert's passing affected them? I know the news media is a small, closed, nearly impenetrable club, but please, do your frakking jobs and REPORT ON SHIT THAT MATTERS!!! IS THAT SO FRAKKING HARD TO DO?

Israel's Ehud Olmert and Dumbya go together last week and discussed plans to start the Iran war before Dumbya leaves office, setting up a possible enaction of Martial Law here at home, and with the powers he has given himself with the help of your elected officials, he can do that, yet the only places I see it being looked into seriously are foreign news sources. We run round-the-clock team coverage of the floods in the midwest. The average American can't even locate Iraq, Iran, Syria, or Israel on a globe. It doesn't matter to them. We just plain don't care any more. We don't even care enough to go to the polls (not that it really matters anymore anyway). We are content to sit at home after work and watch "TMZ" to see which rapper is going out to which club, or which has-been actor is trying to jump-start their career. Like any of THAT matters.

Hope you bought your radiation kits when they were cheap. Got your Geiger counter ready? We're gonna need it. Dumbya is ready to start the bombing, and I don't think it'll be too far off from now.

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