Sunday, June 15, 2008

Is it time to punt?

Well, folks, the way I'm seeing it, it's third and long...real long...we're deep in enemy turf, on their 20-yard line, and we have NO leadership on this team anymore. The coach has slipped out the tunnel to go to the local Irish pub across the street, Paddy O'Furniture's, the quarterback has gone into the locker room for a nap, the running backs have seemingly switched jerseys. We're in deep kimchee, people.

In my opinion, it's really time to punt. Get the special team on the field- that's US, by the way- and kick like there's no tomorrow. Because, if we continue with this game plan, there will BE no tomorrow. We're giving the opposition the game, and helping them by showing them our playbook.

The Supreme Court has voted to give the denizens of the Guantanamo Bay Penile Colony the same rights as this country's citizens. Next thing you know, they'll be voting in our elections as well! This is WRONG. You don't give a mugger your gun, you don't help the burglar load up his truck with your 42" plasma TV, this is just stupid. Yet, in a 5-4 "decision", the SCOTUS has given the terrorists in Guano Bay full access to our courts, with all the rights of US citizens. Writ of Habeas Corpus and all! Why is this a Big Deal?

Because the SCOTUS is operating on a pacifist, politikally korrekt agenda, without regard for its REAL citizens. The terrorists were caught on the field of battle, firing live rounds of their favorite munitions at OUR troops. Not blanks, not flashpots, this wasn't a rock concert. LIVE AMMUNITION was being expended to KILL OUR TROOPS. Someone's son. Someone's husband. Someone's daddy. Yet, SCROTUS seems to think that these "people", and I use that term quite loosely, the same rights as US citizens?

Whoever voted in favor of this needs to taken out back of the courthouse to face the wrath of millions of US citizens. I say let the families of those killed fighting Dumbya's war have first crack at getting these judges to explain just why their loved ones' murderers deserve ANY rights in our system. I'd much rather see military tribunals try these "enemy combatants", and if found guilty, let them swing. Hang their sorry asses. But not the SCOTUS- noooo, they think that these "enemy combatants" would make swell members of our society! Give them full access to our civilian courts, let them hire the best lawyers from NYU or other liberal universities they choose, and give us the lawyer's bill. I'm sure the American Criminal Liberals Union will want to jump in on this. Anything they can do to hasten the downfall of America is OK in their books!

We need to recall the whole damn government, because they have shown that they are traitors. The granting of rights to the Guano Bay detainees is a seditious, treasonous act that should be rewarded with a noose. The Government of the US has NO interest in protecting its citizenry, only enslaving them. It's time to rise up, grab OurPitchforksAndTorches, and start our OWN tribunals. Start with the SCROTUM, er SCOTUS. Their scummy actions prove that they do not stand for American ideals and justice. They don't stand for Truth, Justice, and the American Way at ALL. They stand for enriching themselves, and pushing a communist, pro-radical Mooslim agenda. We need them out, and it must happen NOW. We need to go back to our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America, and read it. The founding fathers warned us that this kind of situation would happen, and gave us instructions on how to protect against it. We need a recall of ALL of the government, Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. We need to do it now, before the prisoners start voting....

Come to think of it, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Let's strip US citizens of the right to vote, and let the rest of the world vote for us. We don't seem to be able to take the time to do it ourselves anyway, and those that voted in 2000 elected Dumbya because "he looks like a guy I could have a beer with"...OK, following that logic, would you really want Barney from the Simpsons running the country? That's what you got!

March on Weaselton, DC, and take our country back!

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