Friday, June 6, 2008

Man hit by car, left in street...

I am stunned...people WATCHED this happen, yet they walk on by, or stop and gawk, then drive on. They left him there, NOBODY HELPED HIM. Ten cars DROVE AROUND HIM as if he were a piece of a tire from a blowout, or a discarded piece of trash...


What if that had been a 2-year old child? What if that had been YOUR child? Or, what if that were YOUR grandpa?

The total lack of regard for a human that is injured, who people WATCHED get cut down by a couple of street racing punks, shocks me. Nobody stopped to help him. Nobody called 911. People actually drove around him- I wonder if they were pissed off at him that he was getting in their way?

Is this really happening in the USA? Are people that self-centered and self-absorbed that they can't even stop for a few minutes and help save someone's life? Can't even be a hero for a minute? WTF? Even ANIMALS don't treat their own kind this way!

I guess life means nothing any more. People kill every day, more and more. Don't like someone? Pop a cap in them... Someone pisses you off on the freeway? Run them into a bridge abutment. Someone is cut down by a car in the street? Leave them be. Don't stop. Go about your day as if nothing happened. It's not YOUR problem.

Our moral compass is thoroughly demagnetized in this country, and I am SICK AND TIRED of it. This was WRONG. We spend trillions of dollars to help people in other countries, yet we cannot bring ourselves to spend two minutes to call 911 and make sure the victim of an accident gets medical help? I am ashamed and disgusted.

It's OK to run people down and leave them for dead in the street. Human life means nothing. It isn't worth a dime...not even worth a phone call! That's the message here, folks. So everybody go out and run people down on your way to work today...but please, try to aim for the politicians and lawyers! I think they're worth two points...

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Our moral compass is thoroughly demagnetized in this country..." - What a profound and insightful statement! A literary Monet among starving artists!