Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well, Obama is the next president, in my opinion. Hillary's "attack dog" style didn't sit so well with the Super-delegates, nor with many voters. Now, rumblings are that he may actually have her be his running mate...oh, jeez, can he be that stupid? Really? I don't think that would be such a good idea. The idea of an African-American at the helm of this country frightens many in this country. I don't know that this would be the best time for it, but I'm not paying the bills, so I get no say. Having a power-hungry female Caucasian-American as VP isn't too comforting, either. Yet, I haven't seen anything from the McCain side that would compel me to vote for him, either. He's as big a liberal as the other two.

I think that a prudent move would be for Obama to nominate someone like Joe Lieberman. It would give the junior senator from Illinois a good sounding board, and someone on his team with solid credentials, and someone who can actually formulate some sort of PLAN! "Hope" is not a plan, it's a declaration of faith, and by the way, what faith is Obama today, anyway? He just quit his church this past week, should we be suspicious?

On the Republican side, I'm thinking that McCain's best move could be to nominate Hillary, thumbing his nose at GOP party leadership, as has become his style, and to run on a true "bipartisan" ticket. He talks about it all the time, and it's not like they don't have anything in common ideologically. He would gain a large percentage of the female vote, which at this point is seemingly going to Obama, and would give him the testicular fortitude that he apparently lacks at this point. If John could do this, it would give his ticket instant "star power", since the true conservatives of this nation really don't support him anyway. They see right through this charade, the "Emporor's Clothes"...He's a liberal, and I've seen several articles where he wanted to switch parties anyway, so this would short out Obama's liberal agenda. Call it the "Unification Platform"...

If Obama does succeed in getting to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. with Hillary in tow, I don't see him lasting more than a year before he gets killed off, and Hillary ascends the throne. I don't wish this on anyone, but look at the NY Senator's past- starting with Vince Foster, and going all the way up to her RFK remarks...was that a veiled threat I detected there? I'm not saying that there's anything to that, but appearances can be deceiving, this is politics after all...and there's this whole "racial tension" thing to be dealt with as well...I'm not suggesting that the racists in this nation would stoop so low, but you never can tell...or, he could die of "unspecified causes"...I can see it now- "Now who'da thunk that Obama was into autoasphyxiation? What a shame..."

Hey, you never can tell...weird stuff is happening these days, unnatural alliances are being forged, polticians are being bought and sold by the lobbyists like the common street whores and prostitutes that they really are, and we're paying the tab! Wake up, America, before it's too late! We need to march on Weaselton, D.C. with Our Pitchforks And Torches to let the crooked politicians know, in no uncertain terms, that they are supposed to work for US! The People!

Ok, never mind, it IS too late. We're gonna get screwed, hope you brought the's not going to be pleasant!

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

1 comment:

islamham said...

Well, I thought I would post a test comment. Hope I did it correctly. Obama may very well win the White House and I certainly don't think he could muck up the place more than this regime. I am leaning towards McCain now though. I thought Hillary might have brought us around to the good times but she is a goner. I cannot get behind Obama for a lot of reasons. His record in his home state is dismal. Illinois is one of the most communist, union, corrupt anti-firearm states we have and he is from the worst offender locations in that state.

McCain has issues too but he is a Goldwater Republican and if you check that you will find that the Tele-Evangelicals found no comfort in his home. The Tele's gave us 8 years of hell here so I'm leaning towards McCain.I just wish he wanted us out of Iraq as much as I do.