Friday, August 1, 2008

Pelosi needs to be recalled...

Her behavior today, turning out the lights and cameras in the House on Republicans that were still debating, is deliberate, self-aggrandizing, and unconscionable. You should be ASHAMED, Nancy! I'm ashamed to have you representing my country! You should be removed as Speaker, and you should go back to private life- the more private, the better, as far as I'm concerned! What you did was immoral, shameful, despotic, anti-American, and illegal! You should hang your head in SHAME! This is NOT how I expect a Speaker to behave, it's discourteous, disingenuous, and you, madam, are indeed NOT running your own private Politburo! You are unworthy of the position you hold...wait until November, dearie- the people who elected you and your cronies are getting REAL SICK AND TIRED of the bullshit the CONgress is pulling. We need action in a time of crisis, and we're NOT getting it!

I call on all of my Californicated friends to rise up on November 4th, and vote against Pelosi, as well as EVERY incumbent. You say you want change? Here's your chance! All new people in Congress, this year, and every other year, and we'll have a new face on the government that is not beholden to corrupt corporations. "We The People" means ALL of us should be represented, not just the "captains of industry". We are sick of the games, the pandering, the corruption, the outright lies that our government tells. It's time to hold them responsible for their actions! Vote them OUT. Get out of our House, Pelosi. Your imperial strut has more than lost its charm.

We need to get out OurPitchfoksAndTorches and take back our country before it is too late!

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