Friday, August 29, 2008


So McCain has gone against all conventional wisdom and picked a "hockey mom" as his running mate. This is an obvious ploy to garner the displaced female voters that were going to vote for Hillary- he obviously does not think that the American people are smart enough to figure it out. Here is a woman at 42, a recent mother to a Down's Syndrome child (they require extensive care due to their condition, especially in the early years), governor of Alaska for two years. Before that she was a mayor of a town of 6,000. That's her entire political experience. She apparently has a reputation for fighting corruption, and garnered the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" during her high school years playing basketball. She was also a beauty pageant contestant. And this is McCain's choice to take the reins should he become ill, or, heaven forbid, die in office?

In the Democrat's corner is a previously unknown city councilman from Chicago, home of the notoriously corrupt Richard Daley political family, who Obama has close ties with. He also has some very shady associates, including Bill Ayers, former Weatherman (Communist group) and terror bomber of the 60s-70s. His ideology included such gems as:

"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents."

Nice guy, huh. And Barack Hussein Obama claims him as a mentor. Hmmm. So I'd have to assume that the liar Obama actually stands for the "redistribution of wealth", which is a code word for "Communist", and I'm not too far off in my assumption. If you listened at all to his speech at the DNC, where he assumed the mantle of President-Elect a tad early, he is a magnetic and charismatic speaker on camera. But then, so was Hitler, and look what he did for Germany. The parallels are staggering. He came out ot nowhere, made grandiose speeches, was adored by the populace...then he took power and showed his real face. We're witnessing the same thing. The architecture of the stage alone is enough to make me wonder- the Greco-esque columns, like a mutant Parthenon of Greece for him to speak as Zeus, you gotta wonder about his ego...

Now the hockey mom, Sarah Palin, may end up being more of a liability than an asset, with her lack of experience. Despite her lack of experience, she has been in charge of the National Guard up there for a couple years. Not exactly battle-tested. But I'd take her and McCain over Obama's promise of change, especially since his change might be to make us a communist nation. Of course, we'll all have our own rainbows and ride unicorns if he's elected, but I'm hoping that I won't have to see that. Besides, it'll be hard to load up a unicorn with household goods and ride it to another country. I'm thinking that if we become an Obamanation, I'll have no choice but to leave the country and never turn back.

We're in for a weird election season. I'm getting really tired of having to choose the lesser of two evils. Many people I talk to tell me of their frustrations as well. Perhaps this Barracuda chick will have some influence in cleaning up Weaselton, DC, before they corrupt her, too. That wouldn't be such a bad thing...

The way I see it, we have a disproportionate amount of corporate corruption, a dysfunctional, puppet media, and lobbyists who decide what is best for us. It would behoove the government to cede power back to the people where it belongs, rather than trying to be all things to all corporations, people be damned. But unless we can get rid of the corruption and reign in the influence peddlers, as well as get the media to report on the things that matter, I don't see this country being here for a 2012 election. It's time we grabbed OurPitchforksAndTorches, and inform our neighbors of the danger we really face.

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

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