Friday, July 11, 2008

Making the World Safe For Theocracy

Making the World Safe for Theocracy
By Michael Savage

Theocratic Iran continues to challenge Western democracies. Missiles designed to do in 6 minutes what Hitler did in 6 years to 6 million Jews were test fired by this radical Islamic theocracy. The Hitler of Iran has threatened to kill every Jewish person in Israel even if it costs Iran 50 percent of its population. Iran has imprisoned British sailors and sent a fleet of rubber boats against gigantic U.S. warships. Where is a strong statement from our president? Where is the bold warning against an enemy who has threatened us and our allies again and again? Nowhere. Silence and weak words are all that have come out of the White House and the West.

This is not the first time a nation led by a despot built up its military in defiance of the international community. In the 1930s Adolph Hitler cast aside the restrictions on the size of his military imposed on Germany after World War One and created the Wermacht and the Luftwaffe. Now the Hitler of Iran is launching missiles, flaunting his nation's nuclear technology, and threatening to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. Israel may act against Iran, but with the corrupt weakling Olmert in power, even this most basic act of self preservation is in doubt. Bush, the Chamberlain of our time, refuses to act. All he does is rattle the sabers of the 5th Fleet.

And why won't Bush act to save Western democracies from this madman? One, he doesn't want to rock the boat because of his ties to the Seven Sister oil companies and two, because he's writing his legacy. He wants liberal journalists and historians to write books about what a great statesman and peacemaker he really was. And so to fuel his own vanity, he lets the cancer of Iran metastasize and spread throughout the world. If Bush were to unleash the military might of the United States on this petty dictator and seize control of the Iranian oil fields, we could regain control of the Middle East, boost John McCain's poll numbers, greatly reduce oil prices, and save Israel from a second Holocaust. Instead Bush has decided to make the world safe for theocracy. And that's something everyone but the far left Democrats understand we have to fight.


I was listening to Savage last night, in time for his monologue, and thought I'd post it here. He's dead-on accurate in his analysis, in my opinion, except for one thing- I don't think it would boost McCain's poll numbers. Maybe slightly, but not a huge jump. Obama has already been selected as our next President by the media and some financial concerns.

But if you read Dr. Savage's short piece above carefully, it is full of parallels that are happening right before our eyes. The Hitler of our time, the modern-day Chamberlain, the not-so-obvious alliteration to the number of the beast in the second sentence, it's all in there. Brilliant piece, Michael!

The motivations behind Bush's lack of leadership skills, or even the missing drive to even publicly rebuke the little sweater-wearing monster, is painfully obvious. BushCo is making too much money from the Iraq war...

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