Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hi, and welcome to "Our Pitchforks And Torches"! This is my blog, where I hope to educate, entertain, and hopefully help save this once-proud, once-great nation. I'm not very politically correct (I HATE that term, it's so misleading!) so if what I write about offends you, move back to your third-world nation. I'm trying to get my country back!

The political system here is broken. The banking system is broken. The medical care system is broken. The odds that I'll ever be able to retire are slim and none. The only thing we have going for us is if enough people wake up, maybe we can get this country back before it's too late (which it may possibly be).

I welcome posts that are full of dissent, as I believe that dissention is the root of patriotism. We need a national discussion, politicians uninvited, where we can discuss our problems, search for answers, plan for a future that is brighter than the bleak, arid path I see us sliding down, and to actually have some discourse on things that matter. Since our "elected" "officials" in Weaselton, D.C. do NOT have our interests in mind, let's break out Our Pitchforks And Torches and solve some problems, shall we?

I'll post stories and commentary on issues that I think are important, from time to time, and hope that you join in the discussion.

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

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