Saturday, May 31, 2008


It seems, in this day and age, that the entire world is turning upside down. What was once evil is now good, what was once good is now reviled. Life, for many, has no meaning, there is no hope, there is no future. Corruption and greed dominate everything. Yet, somehow, Average Joe and his wife and 2.4 kids soldier on, blind to what is going on around them. They are drones, content to do the same repetitive things day after day...get up, go to work, come home, fix dinner, watch the Brain Drain (TV), go to bed. On Fridays, or every other Friday for some, the routine changes ever so slightly- get up, go to work, pick up paycheck, stop at the bank on the way home, fix dinner, watch the Brain Drain, go to bed.

Gas prices are going up faster than any time in my life, and it affects every single facet of our lives. Yet some people keep saying "I don't care what's going on in the world, it doesn't affect me!"

Yes it does, you moronic imbecile! Our gas prices are making the costs of EVERYTHING skyrocket! Food, clothes, airline tickets, all are costing us more and more. And the government is printing money around the clock, devaluing our dollar almost by the hour. Of course, this doesn't affect YOU, because you still get the same number of dollars in your paycheck, so why worry?

Well, Einstein, the same amount of dollars are buying you LESS of the goods you use on a daily basis. "But my car is pretty fuel-efficient, I get 25 miles a takes me $80 to fill up once a week. I can still afford it." This same person has lost 35% of his 401(k)'s value, but he doesn't check, so he doesn't know. He also opted out of making contributions to make sure he has enough money for his food, car payment, electric bill, mortgages, et al. He has credit cards, but they all are maxed out, the minimum payments have grown to elephantine size, and now he's having to decide which minimum payments he makes this month. Even though he makes the minimum payment on time, he still has no room on the cards for an emergency, nor does he have an emergency fund set up to cover 3-6 months of expenses. We're not talking just rent, food, and gas money for three months, we're talking ALL his expenses, including taxes. If he lost his job today, how would he survive?

He wouldn't. He'd be a street bum, like millions of others...

And that's a shame. But it's the way the "powers that be" want it. That way, there are only TWO classes in America- those who are wealthy, and the new "Slave Class", which is where we're headed.

Don't think that elections mean anything any more, because they don't. There is ONE political party in the USA, and that party is the wealthy corporations. Period, end of story. THEY decide who the candidates will be, THEY fund the campaigns, THEY run the polls, THEY control how much mud is slung at who, and what the fallout will be. All the politicians running for President this time have basically the same platform. There is NO difference between Democrat or Republican anymore...we've basically turned into the old Soviet Union. All that's left is to rename the media "Pravda" and we'll be all set!

It's about time we gathered in Weaselton, D.C. with Our Pitchforks And Torches, and threw the bums out!

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hi, and welcome to "Our Pitchforks And Torches"! This is my blog, where I hope to educate, entertain, and hopefully help save this once-proud, once-great nation. I'm not very politically correct (I HATE that term, it's so misleading!) so if what I write about offends you, move back to your third-world nation. I'm trying to get my country back!

The political system here is broken. The banking system is broken. The medical care system is broken. The odds that I'll ever be able to retire are slim and none. The only thing we have going for us is if enough people wake up, maybe we can get this country back before it's too late (which it may possibly be).

I welcome posts that are full of dissent, as I believe that dissention is the root of patriotism. We need a national discussion, politicians uninvited, where we can discuss our problems, search for answers, plan for a future that is brighter than the bleak, arid path I see us sliding down, and to actually have some discourse on things that matter. Since our "elected" "officials" in Weaselton, D.C. do NOT have our interests in mind, let's break out Our Pitchforks And Torches and solve some problems, shall we?

I'll post stories and commentary on issues that I think are important, from time to time, and hope that you join in the discussion.

As always, I am...

Amir Fazadh