Sunday, January 10, 2010

A race to the bottom? Why the Global Depression is getting deeper...

Been wondering why you can't find a job? Why foreigners seem to get preferential treatment in hiring? This article explains a lot about why Corporate Amerika is cutting off its nose to spite its face. This is the road to serfdom. Work weeks are starting to become 80 hours now, sometimes more. Wages paid are sometimes below minimum wage. Taxes are going to soak up 55% or more of your paycheck.

We ought to be on strike. Complete strike, with nobody going to work for a week. Bring the monster to its knees. That'll never happen, because the monster holds all the cards!

And for those of you in the declining "lucky to have a job" category, your prospects are getting ever-dimmer. No upward movement, it takes a PhD to get a job at McDougal's these days, and young workers just entering the job market are just plain out of the running. I guess this is why I'm seeing panhandlers with signs reading "Will work for hemlock tea", and "Will pay to work"...and no, I'm not kidding.

The overt and shameful greed of Corpulent Amerika, er, Corporate Amerika, has killed the goose that laid the Golden Parachute, er, Egg- the Omnipotent Consumer. The bottom line is the only line that matters. Not even the soup line is more important, nor the unemployment line. As long as "China can supply, we will buy" is the New Mantra, we're sunk. Nobody with a job, nobody to buy the cheap, hazardous Chinese goods shipped in by the container ships. How long will Corporate Amerika stay here? They've been leaving in droves since the 70's, via the magical cost-cutting measure known as "Outsourcing". Now, not only are products and materials commodities, so are PEOPLE. Or sheeple. Whatever. We don't matter anyway, that much is clear!

I attribute this to the little "agreement" that was put in place 113 years ago, creating the fraudulent, manipulative entity known as "Da Fed".

And the "Kaptains of Industry" keep the hits coming...

Green Jobs, Mr. Obummer? Has a ring of "Soylent Green" to it, especially with the coming medical rationing and forced euthanasia...

Now where's my Lipton Hemlock Green Tea?