Or at least he hopes to. He also wants the USA to be nuke-free. He's slashing the defense budget to the bone, yet he spends $10 Trillion on what? It's missing! He just gave our future to the bankers??? And to top it all off, he snuggles up to the Muslims in Sandbox Arabia and BOWS TO KISS THE ROBES OF THEIR KING!!! Whatever this guy is smoking...I don't want any! This guy is so far out in Left Field, he makes Ted Kennedy look like a right-wing, gun-toting conservative!
He has an advisor that is telling him that Global Warming is so dire, that he's convening a panel of scientists (apparently, not ones that ever go outside, nor live in the northern tier of states) to come up with "radical ways to cool the Earth's atmosphere", which includes "firing particles of pollution into the atmosphere to act as a shield against radiation"...wait, WHAT? That's exactly what coal burning power plants and gasoline engines do RIGHT NOW, for FREE! Is this guy on crack??? So we're supposed to get our electricity from what, bicycle-driven generators? Solar? Wind? Great if you live in a sunny, windy state. If you live up north, not so much. And the media keeps spreading the wealth of knowledge that is Obama...
And the Lord God Obama spake, and he sayeth "Yea, though we have the biggest nuclear arsenal this side of North Korea, we shall lay it down, and the Raptor, we shall clip it's wings. We shall live in a nuclear-free country, and burn no atoms, nor coal, nor fossil fuels of any kind. We shall throw open our borders to anyone, and welcome even our enemies as we would welcome our family. For I have kissed the robe of My Master, and we are in no danger..."
The picture is clear, folks. We are being led like lambs to the slaughter. The world is about to become a much smaller place if the globalists get their way (and they will). The notes coming out of the G20 summit make it clear that the dollar as the world's reserve currency is to be done away with, and the Fed is being subjugated to the will of an international cabal of elites who will decide our fate. The end times are upon us, I fear. One World Currency, One World Nation, One World Government- coming soon to a former country near you! And you will be a World Citizen...
Obama- Change You Will Submit To!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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